Darling’ by India Knight, a reimagining of Nancy’s ‘The Pursuit of Love’, is being published by Fig Tree in October 2022.


Nancy Mitford's The Pursuit of Love is being re-issued by Penguin in May 2021.



Nancy Mitford’s backlist has been re-issued by Penguin.

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Recently re-issued by Random House.

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Highland Fling, Pigeon Pie, A Talent to Annoy and Christmas Pudding have all been re-released by Capuchin Classics.

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Madame de Pompadour, The Sun King, Voltaire in Love and Frederick the Great have been re-issued by Vintage.

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The Penguin Complete Novels of Nancy Mitford has been re-issued by Random House.



Wigs on the Green, which has been out-of-print since 1935, and four of 
Nancy's other novels have been re-issued by Random House.


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